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  • 서동민 교수 사진
    서동민 교수
    • 소속 IT엔지니어링대학   전기전자공학과  
    • 연구실 공학관 1층 102호
    • 전화번호 043-649-1301
    • 이메일 dseo@semyung.ac.kr
    • 담당과목 회로이론I, 회로이론II, 전기물성론, 반도체공학, 센서응용공학, 전기전자재료및실험, CHARM커뮤니케이션, 전기교과논리및논술


2014.03 ~ 2018.08 고려대학교대학원 전자정보공학과 공학박사 (ICT융합기술)
2011.09 ~ 2014.02 고려대학교대학원 전자정보공학과 공학석사 (바이오 센서 및 센서 응용)
2004.03 ~ 2011.08 고려대학교세종캠퍼스 전자및정보공학부 공학사 (반도체 센서)

2023.03 ~ 현재 세명대학교 전기공학과 조교수
2019.11 ~ 2023.02 한국해양과학기술원 부설 선박해양플랜트연구소 연구원
2018.09 ~ 2019.10 고려대학교 광전자신소재연구소 연구교수
2017.09 ~ 2018.02 고려대학교 강사 (전기회로실험)
2016.09 ~ 2017.02 고려대학교 강사 (전기회로실험)


- Underwater Sensing and Marine Unmanned Systems
- Remote Sensing and Hyperspectral Imaging
- Biomimetics and Biosensors
- Optical and Nano-Photonics Technologies
- AI-Driven Data Optimization for Marine Applications


[32] J. Choi, D. Seo, and H. Jung, ‘Study on the Fire Detection Characteristics of Si Based RGB Color Sensors’, J. Korean Inst. Electr. Electron. Mater. Eng., 38, pp. 54–64 (2025).

[31] D. Seo, D. Lee, S. Park, and S. Oh, ‘Hyperspectral Image-Based Identification of Maritime Objects Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Classifier Models’, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 13, 6 (2025).

[30] D. Seo, S. Yoon, J. Park, S. Lee, S. Han, S.-H. Byun, and S. Oh, ‘Optical Flow Sensor with Fluorescent-Conjugated Hyperelastic Pillar: A Biomimetic Approach’, Biomimetics, 9, 721 (2024).

[29] M. Baik, S. Shin, S. Kumar, D. Seo, I. Lee, H.S. Jun, K.-W Kang, B.S. Kim, M.-H. Nam, and S. Seo, ‘Label-Free CD34+ Cell Identification Using Deep Learning and Lens-Free Shadow Imaging Technology’, Biosensors, 13, 993 (2023).

[28] D. Seo, S. Oh, and S.-H. Byun, ‘Image Analysis for the Simultaneous Measurement of Underwater Flow Velocity and Direction’, Journal of Sensor Science and Technology, 32, pp. 307–312 (2023).

[27] T. Ko, S. Kumar, S. Shin, D. Seo, and S. Seo, Colloidal quantum dot nanolithography: direct patterning via electron beam lithography, Nanomaterials, 13, 2111 (2023).

[26] S. Shin, S. Oh, D. Seo, S. Kumar, A. Lee, S. Lee, Y.-R. Kim, M. Lee, and S. Seo, ‘Field-portable seawater toxicity monitoring platform using lens-free shadow imaging technology’, Water Research, 230, 119585 (2023).

[25] S. Oh and D. Seo, ‘Hyperspectral Image Analysis Technology Based on Machine Learning for Marine Object Detection’, Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety, 28, pp, 1120–1128 (2022).

[24] K. Lee, J. Kim, H. Jo, H. Song, S. Cheon, D. Seo, M. Lee, and J. Lee, ‘Ecotoxicity Assessment for Monitoring Hazardous Substances on Vibrio fischeri’, J. Korean Soc. Mar. Environ. Energy, 25, pp, 217–227 (2022).

[23] J. Noh, S. An, C. Lee, S. Lee, M. Lee, D. Seo, and J. Chang, ‘Temperature-Dependent Characteristics of Carbon Nanotubes-Film-Based Electrochemical Sensor’, Journal of Sensor Science and Technology, 31, 99 163–167 (2022).

[22] D. Seo, S. Oh, and D. Lee, ‘Classification and Identification of Spectral Pixels with Low Maritime Occupancy Using Unsupervised Machine Learning’, Remote Sensing, 14, 1828 (2022).

[21] S. An, J. Noh, C. Lee, S. Lee, D. Seo, M. Lee, and J. Chang, ‘Study on the Effect of the Electrode Structure of an ITO Nanoparticle Film Sensor on Operating Performance’, Journal of Sensor Science and Technology, 31, pp. 1–6 (2022).

[20] C. Lee, J. Noh, S. An, S. Lee, D. Seo, M. Lee, and J. Chang, ‘pH Sensor Application of Printed Indium-Tin-Oxide Nanoparticle Films’, Journal of Sensor Science and Technology, 31, pp. 1–5 (2022).

[19] H. Yang, S. Shin, S. Kumar, D. Seo, S. Oh, M. Lee, and S. Seo, ‘A CMOS Image Sensors Based Refractometer without Spectrometery’, Sensors, 22, 1209 (2022).

[18] S. An, D. Ko, J. Noh, C. Lee, D. Seo, M. Lee, and J. Chang, ‘ITO Nanoparticle Chemiresistive Sensor for Detecting Liquid Chemicals Diluted in Brine’, Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials, 23, pp. 107–112 (2022).

[17] D. Seo, E. Han, S. Kumar, E. Jeon, M.-H. Nam, H. S. Jun, and S. Seo, ‘Field-Portable Leukocyte Classification Device Based on Lens-Free Shadow Imaging Technique’, Biosensors, 12, 47, (2022).

[16] J. Noh, S. An, C. Lee, S. Lee, M. Lee, D. Seo, and J. Chang, ‘Liquid Electrochemical Sensors using Carbon Nanotube Film’, Journal of Sensor Science and Technology, 30, pp. 255–260 (2021).

[15] J. Noh, S. An, C. Lee, J. Chang, S. Lee, M. Lee, and D. Seo, ‘Investigation on the Printed CNT-Film-Based Electrochemical Sensor for Detection of Liquid CHemicals’, Sensors, 21, 5179 (2021).

[14] H. Yang, S. Shin, D. Seo, J. Park, and S. Seo, ‘Detection of Particulate Matters with a Field-Portable Microscope Using Side-Illuminated Total Internal Reflection’, Sensors, 21, 2745 (2021).

[13] D. Seo, S. Shin, S. Oh, M. Lee, and S. Seo, ‘Rapid Eco-toxicity Analysis of Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS) using Morphological Change Detection in Dunaliella Tertiolecta’, Algal Research, 51, 102063 (2020).

[12] D. Seo, S. Oh, S. Shin, M. Lee, Y. Hwang, and S. Seo, ‘Smartphone Compatible On-site Fluorescence Analyzer for Spilled Crude Oil based on CMOS Image Sensor’, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 289, 93–99 (2019).

[11] D. Dong, D. Seo, S. Seo, and J.Y. Lee, ‘Flocculation of microalgae using extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) extracted from activated sludge’, Membrane Water Treatment, 9(3), pp. 147-153 (2018).

[10] D. Seo, S. Oh, M. Lee, Y. Hwang, and S. Seo, ‘A Field-Portable Cell Analyzer without a Microscope and Reagents’, Sensors, 18(85); DOI: 10.3390/s18010085 (2018).

[9] M. Roy, D. Seo, S. Oh, J.-W. Yang, and S. Seo, ‘A review of recent progress in lens-free imaging and sensing’, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 88, pp. 130-143 (2017).

[8] D. Seo, S. Oh, D. Dong, J. Lee, and S. Seo, ‘Real-time micro-algae flocculation analysis method based on lens-free shadow imaging technique (LSIT)’, Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment and Energy, 19(4), pp. 341-348 (2016).

[7] D. Seo, S.-H. Paek, S. Oh, S. Seo, and S.-H. Paek, ‘A human serum-based enzyme-free continuous glucose monitoring technique using a needle-type bio-layer interference sensor’, Sensors, 16, 1581; DOI: 10.3390/s16101581 (2016).

[6] M. Roy, D. Seo, S. Oh, Y. Chae, M.-H. Nam, and S. Seo, ‘Automated micro-object detection for mobile diagnostics using lens-free imaging technology’, Diagnostics, 6(2), 17 (2016).

[5] Y. Hwang, D. Seo, M. Roy, E. Han, R.N. Candler, and S. Seo, ‘Capillary flow in PDMS cylindrical microfluidic channel using 3D printed mold’, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 25(2), pp. 238-240 (2016).

[4] M. Roy, G. Jin, J.-H. Pan, D. Seo, Y. Hwang, S. Oh, M. Lee, Y.J. Kim, and S. Seo, ‘Staining-free cell viability measurement technique using lens-free shadow imaging platform’, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 224, pp. 577-583 (2016).


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